Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Adjustable Beds - For a Good Night Sleep

There are many types of adjustable beds available in the market but Electric Adjustable Beds are the most effective, comfortable and popular. This electric movable bed will allow your sleeping position to change without moving your muscles. For changing the position or adding a refreshing massage you just need to press a button on your remote control. This remote are wire less so, if you wish to give it to another person to operate, you can. One tip doctors give patients is to raise the head of the bed to help prevent the tongue from falling back and blocking the airway. An adjustable bed helps sleep apnea sufferers get quality sleep by readjusting the airway naturally.

These adjustable beds are used in hospitals as well as at home for people who are suffering for any kind of back pains such as lower back pain, ankle pain, feet pain; neck pain etc. because of its ideal sleeping surface makes them appealing.

In obstructive sleep apnea, the airway collapses and/or gets blocked by the tongue. Lying flat promotes the collapse in sleep apnea sufferers. The tissues gets pulled to the lowest point by gravity. This narrows the airway or completely cuts off airflow through the passages. The apnea patient's body then must arouse itself to reestablish breathing. Raising the head of the bed allows gravity to work in a positive manner and will help keep the tongue and airway in an open position.

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